My Tweets

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Washing of Dishes

Nobody likes to do this, right? The dishes pile up, day after day, a malevolent volcano growing to explosion on the kitchen counter...wait! I'm scaring myself.

So, after reading a few blogs like Simple Mom and Steady Mom, I figured this out. Doing a chore actually gives me a sense of accomplishment! I feel better after it's done, even though I don't like thinking about having to do it. I don't mind the actual doing of it once I get started.

I'd still like to have a house or flat someday with a dishwasher.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

It just keeps going...

Here we go again - frustration as a daily event. It feels like I do all the work around here, but I knw that's only partly true. I do tend to over-analyze things, and it drives me nuts. I figured if I blurted it out in a blog, it would at least get out of my head and stop circling around like a bunch of vultures. Sigh.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


What is this, "Pick On Stephanie" Week?! Not having a good day here. :-(

Monday, July 13, 2009

Menu Planning

I came across this great post on about menu planning.

The question is: it's just me and hubby, and the cat (who invariably steals something). Both of us are Spoonies (read the Spoon Theory at ...and NO, I did not write it. It was written by Christine Miserandino). We have limited energy.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Not a Mom Yet, But...

Even though I'm not a mom (yet!), I found a few blogs that click for me about mothering (and organizing). I liked this post.

I also like this one:

These blogs are about life, the universe and everything. Lots of informational tidbits about coping with life