My Tweets

Friday, January 30, 2009

Uh-oh, here it comes...

My favorite Spoonie winter ritual...NOT! Because of my asthma, any time get a cold, it goes straight to my lungs and lingers there. My lungs don't feel right, it hurts to breathe, and everything feels scratchy. Every time I breathe, the center of my chest hurts. This is either a kick-*$$ cold or something approaching a lung infection. Why does this have to happen on a FRIDAY?!

The last time I had this, it was bronchitis and I went on antibiotics.

I feel like CRAP. And to top it all off, I had nightmares in which I had a bad headache, and I woke up with a headache! :cry:

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My New Etsy Blog

...featuring my Etsy products, can be found at

Please pass it along to all your friends!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Tribute to "Easily Aroused"

This has got to be the best erotica blog in existence!

Easily Aroused: Indecent Reflections of an Oversexed Englishman


Not surprisingly, nobody from my side of the family came to the wedding. Why doesn't that surprise me? Financial and medical reasons were the most frequently used excuses.

However, my new in-laws were as welcoming as the biological ones were frigid and reeking of ignorance. They love me and I have grown to love them. What else does a girl need?

Scotland, Here I....Stay!

Remember my trip to Scotland in June 2008 that was only supposed to last for two weeks? I live there now! And, I got married to my wonderful, amazing boyfriend on December 6, 2008.

Wedding photos can be found here:

Although, right at this precise second I am in Canada, having take care of bureaucratic settlement visa matters. My husband and I do not like being separated at all, but at least we have MSN Messenger to keep in contact like we used to.

Hopefully I'll be back in Scotland by late January or early February.

I really need to learn to blog more often. It's just that I feel I have very little to say that the world at large might be interested in reading.