My Tweets

Friday, June 3, 2011

Chewed Up

I'm recovering from a dog bite to the face. 2 stitches, all shots up to date. Stitches come out on Tuesay or Wednesday, Toby is my mom's Lhasa Apso, and otherwise he is sweet and gentle. Mom adopted him from very cruel owners who shut him up in closets for no reason, and he felt confined when he was on the couch with my mom. I leaned too close to him, and he got me.

He's a very good dog. Just nervous and young. Mom has made a lot of progress with him in the 9 months she's had him. Admittedly, I still get a bit scared when he play-growls and wrestles with his buddy, the Shih Tzu Chloe. That growly sound, you know?

Tylenol every 4 hours helps.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Conversational Geekiness: Bad Fillers

I'll try not to use any of the phrases they say you shouldn't use. Commencing mental flossing!

Name change - hopefully the last

I'm trying out another name and URL for my blog. This one feels most authentic.

Let me know what you think, OK?